Product Update: Seminars can now be added to Learning Paths

Great news everyone!

SafeStack seminars can now be added to learning paths, creating even more opportunities to customize your learner's experience. 

🎥 What are SafeStack seminars?

SafeStack Seminars are an easy way to engage your application security champions regularly. With seminars, your team can keep updated with new threats and secure development best practices in our interactive sessions with expert coaches.

More than 30 seminars have occurred since SafeStack was launched, covering a wide range of topics, including threat modeling, AI, DevOps, SAST, etc. Every topic is sourced from our community and customer suggestions, so they are guaranteed to be timely, relevant, and focused on current and emerging secure development best practices.

A feature many customers request is the ability to add seminars into learning paths, allowing security champions to craft outcome-focused training programs, along with high-quality, interactive, bite-sized training for specific topics covered in our seminars.

✨  You can now add SafeStack seminars to learning paths

From today, all our past seminars are available as courses on the platform which means:

  • They can be added to learning paths, just like any other course.

  • Further, reports will indicate whether a learner has completed watching a seminar or not, from this point onwards, providing much more visibility about seminar-related training to group leaders.

❓   Got a suggestion for a seminar topic?

We will continue to host live seminars based on customer suggestions and our roadmap.

You can still register for live seminar sessions from the platform. Once a live seminar has finished, it will be available as a course on the platform so that your team can watch it later.

🆘  Need help or have questions?

Our support team is available via email at to answer any questions you may have about this change.


License SafeStack content for your existing LMS.


Sprint #8: Get Playful with Threat Modeling